Chai Chat | Explore Ayurvedic Life with Hanuman Chai

Spring for Pitta

Spring for Pitta

Pitta dosha is one of the three body constitutions in Ayurveda. Pitta is fiery, ambitious, and driven. When in excess or imbalance, pitta-dominant individuals can be aggressive, rigid, or overly hot. We...

Spring for Pitta

Pitta dosha is one of the three body constitutions in Ayurveda. Pitta is fiery, ambitious, and driven. When in excess or imbalance, pitta-dominant individuals can be aggressive, rigid, or overly hot. We...

Tulsi in Hanuman Chai

Kapha energy in springtime

Step out of the sluggishness and spring into happiness. Spring Kapha excess.  Ayurveda is based on three primary doshas, or constitutions, and the seasons can alter the balance of our...

Kapha energy in springtime

Step out of the sluggishness and spring into happiness. Spring Kapha excess.  Ayurveda is based on three primary doshas, or constitutions, and the seasons can alter the balance of our...

Ayurvedic Morning Routines

Ayurvedic Morning Routines

A daily routine is establishes peace, balance, and clarity. The traditional Ayurvedic texts all agree on how that routine starts: with the early hours of morning. Here are some recommendations...

Ayurvedic Morning Routines

A daily routine is establishes peace, balance, and clarity. The traditional Ayurvedic texts all agree on how that routine starts: with the early hours of morning. Here are some recommendations...