Supporting Small Businesses supports everyone!

Did you know that small businesses account for 44% of U.S. economic activity?

Small businesses are essential to the economic growth of a country. They provide employment opportunities and contribute to tax revenue. Small businesses also bring life and vibrancy to local communities, making them more attractive places to live and work.

"Not only do small businesses provide more jobs, they also bring careers and opportunities. Successful small businesses put money back into their local community through paychecks and taxes, which can support the creation of new small businesses and improve local public services. No matter how small it starts—one, two, five, 10 employees—within that town, the city or the county, [a] small business creates new economies where once there was nothing." - Forbes

Beyond the commercial benefits, small businesses are also often the first to offer support for local initiatives, such as outreach programs or community-building initiatives.

We're proud to contribute over 10% of our profits to such initiatives, and it's this kind of commitment that strengthens  local communities, leading to increased economic growth in the long run.

Thanks for supporting our small business - and for supporting local communities by doing so!

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